My Own Mistake
It's great to learn from your mistakes! And even better when someone else shares their mistakes with you. Join Stacey Kimble, Christy Spadafore and their guests as they talk about their lives and career in voiceover, and mistakes they've made along the way.
My Own Mistake
Jane's Mistake
Christy and Stacey are joined by the extraordinary Jane Beverley. Not only does she share a mistake, she shares some very sage wisdom about taking care of oneself, in all phases of life.
Listen to Jane's voiceover work at https://www.janebeverleyvo.com/
And be sure to check out her YouTube channel, featuring her marvelous poetry readings, at https://www.youtube.com/@janebeverleyvo
Intro and outro by Vince Eury - https://www.vinceeury.com/
The song "My Own Mistake," © 2023, written by Christy Spadafore, performed by Christy Spadafore and Stacey Kimble.
Got questions or comments? Email us at Info@MyOwnMistake.com