My Own Mistake
It's great to learn from your mistakes! And even better when someone else shares their mistakes with you. Join Stacey Kimble, Christy Spadafore and their guests as they talk about their lives and career in voiceover, and mistakes they've made along the way.
28 episodes
Our Own Mistakes
Stacey and Christy sit down for a chat. We discuss mistakes, changes in our lives, and just have a good time in general. Join us!
Season 3

Lynn's Mistake
Audiobooks! They're longer than commercials! And you know what that means . . . more chances for mistakes!Lynn Norris joins Stacey and Christy to talk about the art of narrating audibooks, and some mistakes she's made along the way. We ...
Season 3
Episode 4

Conference Mistakes!
Planning on attending a VO conference? Maybe it’s your first one and you’re a little nervous? Never fear! Stacey and Christy are joined by their good friend Jenn Henry as they discuss conference tips of all kinds, and maybe even share a confere...
Season 3
Episode 3

Graeme's Mistake
And we're back!This week we have the amazingly talented, humble and generous Graeme Spicer. We discuss mistakes of ALL kinds. Mistakes with clients, with celebrities, with our own self confidence. There is so much to learn here.
Season 3
Episode 2

Stacey and Christy's New Mistakes
After an unintentional hiatus, Stacey and Christy return to talk about what they've learned in year one of their podcasting careers, mistakes new and old, and things to look forward to in the future.
Season 3
Episode 1

Jenn's Mistake
Jenn Henry joins Stacey and Christy to share her experiences, wisdom, skin care tips, and so much more. What else can be said? She's an absolute treasure. Check out her work at https://www.jennhenrycreatives.com
Season 2
Episode 10

Luke's Mistake
When it comes to taking advice, who should you pay attention to? Luke Trusty joins Stacey and Christy to talk about that very thing! Check out Luke's work here: https://www.luketrusty.com/
Season 2
Episode 9
Diana's Mistake
Self-advocacy. It's not always easy, but it's oh so important. How do you know when to speak up? Diana Wilde joins Stacey and Christy to talk about why sticking up for yourself is so vital, what can happen when you don't, and how even tha...
Season 2
Episode 8

Tom's Mistake
It's good to learn from the experiences of others. But is doing what has worked for them always the best thing for your own career? And when it comes to online casting sites - also known as the pay-to-plays - how do you determine the best cours...
Season 2
Episode 7

Alaina's Mistake
Confidence is a good thing. But is it possible to have too much of it? And what happens if you do? The amazingly talented Alaina Wis visits with Stacey and Christy to share her experience on her journey to a successful career in voiceover.<...
Season 2
Episode 6

Adam's Mistake
The wonderfully entertaining Adam Bullock joins Stacey and Christy this week to discuss his mistakes in the world of VO - like, how rushing into things can cost you money, and how you should always make sure you're having fun with the work. He ...
Season 2
Episode 5

Megan’s Mistake
Why do we talk ourselves out of doing the things we really want to do? And why do we convince ourselves we always have to be so very practical?Megan Selke joins Christy And Stacey in this episode to discuss the mistake - ahem, learn...
Season 2
Episode 4

Andrew's Mistake
VO is exciting! It just is. And you can't wait to start your career. But - can you start too soon? Andrew Morrison joins Christy and Stacey to discuss this very thing. And coffee. We talk about coffee. And direct marketing. And all sorts of thi...
Season 2
Episode 3

Brian's Mistake
We've all heard the phrase, "Fix It In Post." But is it really the cure-all solution that we hope it is? Filmmaker Brian Cutter joins Christy and Stacey this week to talk about cameras and actors and backgrounds and what happens when the combin...
Season 2
Episode 2

Our Own Mistakes, Season 2 Intro
Stacey and Christy are back for another season of "My Own Mistake." Join them on this episode as they relive the ups and down - but mostly ups - all ups, really - of attending the One Voice Conference as sponsors.We reminisce about seas...
Season 2
Episode 1

Melique's Mistake
They say timing is everything. So what happens when your timing is off? It's the season finale, and Melique Berger - aka Mrs. Pancakes!- joins us to talk about that very scenario.Learn more about Melique's incredible career at https://m...
Season 1
Episode 10

Torian's Mistake
When opportunity comes knocking, you've got to answer! But is there such a thing as answering too soon? Torian Brackett joins Christy and Stacey to talk about about his mistake and what he learned from the experience. There may also be talk of ...
Season 1
Episode 9

Roshelle's Mistake
You want to do well in your business. You work hard for the opportunity to grow. But is there such a thing as too much, too soon? Roshelle Simpson - voice actor and singer extraordinaire - joins the podcast to talk about mistakes in her life as...
Season 1
Episode 8

Jessica’s Mistake
When you’re a small business owner, it can sometimes feel like you’re all on your own. So how do you find community? And how do you even admit that you need one? Jessica Mathison joins the podcast this week to share her mistake, and what she’s ...
Season 1
Episode 7

George's Mistake
How do you feel about promoting yourself? Love it or hate it, sometimes it's necessary. How much is too much? Or not enough? Voice actor and self proclaimed audio nerd George Nowik joins Christy and Stacey to talk about his mistake, the challen...
Season 1
Episode 6

Jane's Mistake
Christy and Stacey are joined by the extraordinary Jane Beverley. Not only does she share a mistake, she shares some very sage wisdom about taking care of oneself, in all phases of life. Listen to Jane's voiceover work at https://w...
Season 1
Episode 5

Bill's Mistake
So people have told you that you have a nice voice, and hey, maybe you should get into voiceover! What to do next? Find out this week as Stacey and Christy are joined by voice actor Bill Larson. Not only does he share his own mistake, but...
Season 1
Episode 4

Episode Three - Amory's Mistake
We've all heard the advice to be your "authentic self." But what does that mean, really? Stacey and Christy welcome this week's guest, Amory Hokulani, as she shares her mistake, her authentic self, and how one led to the other.Intro and...
Season 1
Episode 3